More green places in the city – A living earthwork in Nová Cvernovka
Up to 80 per cent of territory in Europe is used by people for urbanization, industry, transportation infrastructure, agriculture and for forest economy. There is a lack of space in those areas for animals and for plants.
The situation in Nová Cvernovka is different. Thirty-five ateliers moved to the former building of Chemistry school in 2016. Nowadays Nová Cvernovka functions as a multifunctional and creative area; it has an exterior terrace and a stage, a public library, movie and photographic ateliers.
Apart from creating those facilities, the local „Nová Cvernovka“ community has achieved to transform the original neglected surrounding into a Centre for permaculture garden. This permaculture garden does not only produce fruits, vegetable and herbs but also it serves as green oasis which you cannot find easily in the former industry area. Another interesting and useful object – a living earthwork was added up exactly to the surrounding of Nová Cvernovka in the autumn last year. The living earthwork serves as a partition between the gardens and newly-restored park where also public events are held. A set of various plants, trees and bushes will gradually be added to the surface of the living earthwork. So its (of the living earthwork) other function will be the enrichment of the garden biotypes and enhancement of biodiversity of plants and animals in the city. The plants, bushes, trees and flowers which cover the surface of the living earthwork will not only fulfill aesthetical function but they will also cool down hot air thanks to water retaining and water evaporation. People require these functions mainly in city ́s parks to make the visits at parks more pleasant during summer months. Moreover they (these functions) help to provide natural water cycle. Dead parts of tree trunks and trees will be added to the living earthwork and it will serve as a refuge for insects. We planned to finish the final tasks to complete the living earthwork as a volunteer event in the collaboration with Cvernovka community, Ekopolis and from the company Deutsche Telekom services Europe Slovakia in the autumn.
However the weather and the pandemic restrictions did not allow us to do so. We could have just provided a financial support last year and we have postpone the volunteer work to 2021 year. We believe that the circumstances will enable us to carry out the volunteer work in person. Also the living earthwork will liven up.