10 municipalities and schools improve their energy management and are seeing the first savings

Efficient management of energy can bring significant financial savings in addition to contributing to protection of the environment even though the production of electricity always has its drawbacks. While future solutions at municipal level is comprehensive energy management, a number of useful changes can be done now.

The programme Clever with energy enabled 5 villages and 5 schools in the West Slovakia region to implement energy saving measures to reflect their needs and possibilities. The Ekopolis Foundation in cooperation with CEEV Živica supported 10 projects from the schools and municipalities whereby they streamlined their use of electricity and thermal energy. The donor is ZSE, a.s.

The projects implemented in 5 municipalities were always in “pairs”, i.e. in municipal buildings and local schools. The reason for making such tandems was to make maximum use of the changes in practise to educate the pupils. The schools participated in the actual search for appropriate solutions at the beginning of the project planning and later included the topic of energy into the teaching of selected subjects and within peer education where older pupils teach the younger ones. The schools also assessed whether the anticipated energy savings had been achieved, measured the light intensity before and after the change, and also disseminated information on the activities that lead to energy savings.

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