It’s the beginning of the 12th volume of the program Green oasis – supporting active communities and enhancing public spaces continues
People with active approach to the environment can help to revitalize public spaces in towns and municipalities, through the grant program Green oasis. The company SLOVNAFT, a.s, in cooperation with The Ekopolis Foundation will divide the amount 56 000 euros to projects focused on protection of the nature and enhancement of public spaces. Engagement of local communities and active volunteers is even one of the main goals of the program. Deadline for grant applications is 11th of December 2017.
Over the ten years, the grant program Green oasis has been supporting creating, restoration or enhancing of public spaces, ecologically valued locations or routes. The grant can be applied by registered non governmental organisations, primary or high schools, training colleges, leisure centres, community centres and even directly by towns and municipalities. Finances can be used to purchase material for planting and adjustment of terrain, tools and other necessities, which are in order with environmental aims of the project.
“It is more and more obvious that even we are already directly touched by climate changes which we have never experienced. Long seasons of extreme heatwaves, torrential rains, drying of whole areas and similar. The impact of these changes appears not only in rural areas. Since its beginning, the program Green oasis has been trying to respond to actual challenges in the field of the environment, and because we are faithful to our mission – and also to our name – in this volume, our priority is implementation of adaptation steps as a reaction on climate change”, brings up Milan Horec, program manager of The Ekopolis Foundation.
Adaptation steps include local, practical and effective moves for water retention, cooling – mainly in cities, augmenting of green areas (especially storeyed high forest and vertical greenery), supporting of effective water agriculture, building of green roofs, steps for prevention and elimination of outcomes caused by local floods and so on. “Many people have original ideas how to solve particular problems with water in their surrounding and we would like to support them. Applicants can find an inspiration in the existing catalogue of adaptation steps in towns and municipalities located in region of Bratislava,” adds Milan Hronec.
Evaluation of the previous volume
In the 11th volume of the program Green oasis, together 23 projects obtained the grant in the total amount of 56 000 euros. Special support was given to projects with the aim to create, revive or restore public spaces especially in towns and in neighborhoods, where children could develop their sport and physical activities and where they would play in motivating environment.
Expert committee agreed that the most interesting project of the 11th grant program Green oasis was the project Braille is thought not only from books. Combined dorm school for students with visual impairment in Bratislava, rearranged school garden for the needs of children with visual impairment, outplanted flower beds, herb spiral and placed descriptive boards for blind people.
“During eleven years of the program, we were able to activate a lot of volunteer groups and communities, which have successfully realized interesting environmental projects all over Slovakia. Their effort and result of their work is an inspiration for those, who we are now offering an opportunity to realize their ideas in the 12th volume of the program,” indicated Anton Molnár, director of the business and marketing communication of SLOVNAFT, a.s.
Detailed information about the grant program Green oasis, criteria and application forms can be found on websites, and
More information will be provided by the program manager of The Ekopolis Foundation Milan Hronec, 048 / 470 1095, 0911 452 457, e-mail: