The presentation of competing works in the final of the competition For Water will be online
The final of the competition of For Water before the professional committee will take place in private and online via platform ZOOM due to restrictions on Covid 19. The finalist of the competition will receive an e-mail which will contain detailed information on the recommended structure of the presentation. Moreover they will receive exact assigned time for online meeting with the committee. The finalist will be able to follow the presentations of other competitors or just join in for their own presentation.
The results of the fifth year of the competiton For Water will be announced during an unveiling ceremony. The unveiling ceremony will be carried out online via online streaming in January 2021.
Ekopolis Foundation organizes the competiton of For Water thanks to the support of the company Nestlé. You can find more information on the competiton For Water on the web page:
Individuals or competing companies can still register their presentations into the competiton till 10th November when the deadline of this year competition is. Students can register their diploma works or their year works too. The final before the committee will follow after the deadline. However due to covid 19 restrictions the presentations will be carried out privately and online.