The competition FOR THE WATER 2017 has its winners

The ceremonial evaluation of the competition for young people FOR THE WATER was happening on the 10th of March 2017. The Ekopolis Foundation in cooperation with Nestlé has organised already second volume of the competition FOR THE WATER, which connects young people with those who are looking for inspiration and who want to solve concrete problems with water in their cities and municipalities.

Till the end of the January 2017 there were overall 7 competing proposals sent to the Ekopolis Foundation, which have been related to watering of school greenhouse in Spišská Nová Ves and creating rain gardens in Skalica, revitalization of the old branch of the river Váh and flood-protecting steps in the municipality Sebedín-Bečov and Beluj. Competing projects have included beside the description of solution also the framing estimation of finances needed for realisation of solution and evaluation of risks. The competition was realized thanks to allowance of the company Nestlé, which had been represented in the jury: “Responsible water management is the priority topic for Nestlé. We are not satisfied just with saving water in our factories. We are progressing and we want to include public into the protection of water, particularly young people, who we give the opportunity to apply their creativity and to gain valued know-how with the development of project,” said Martina Šilhánová, the manager of CSR from the company Nestlé.

The finale was happening the 10th of March 2017 in the space of The Association of Architects in Bratislava, where finalists in person presented their competing proposals. Best three proposals by young people obtained the reward worth 1100 euros, 550 euros and 200 euros.

“The specialize jury had hard task, competing projects were very equal. Criterions for choosing finalists were quality and clarity of the particular project, innovativity, realistic estimation of risks and also completing demands of the person that had offered the real model problem connected to the water management,” explains Martina B. Paulíková, the program manager of the Ekopolis Foundation

The winners are:

1. Miloš Hajko, Lucia Spálová: Revitalization of the old branch of the river Váh in order to improve the situation in the branch

The problem of the branch near the municipality Trnkovec nad Váhom is the oscillation of water level, which is caused by activity of the hydroelectric installation Kráľová. That’s why the main aim of the study is description of the existing state of the branch and proposal of appropriate technical moves, so there can be stable water level at the time of the spawning and natural augmentation of fish in the branch. The point of the study worth mentioning is also the follow-up use of the surrounding of the branch for recreational and educational uses and the making of branch more attractive for public.

2. Nina Pndrušová, Michaela Hollá, Lívia Kruliacová: Wetland Pool and Flume lying behind the project ZáZemie in Spišská Nová Ves.

Idea of the proposal is revitalization by reason of neglected area, solving of ecological and esthetical proposal by reason of preservation of fauna and flora and its completing. The aim is assurance of appropriate environment for the life of precious breed of plants and animals and making the surrounding nicer for public and habitants.

3. Nikola Herchlová: Solving causes of floods in the municipality Beluj

The aim of the project was to identify areas, where there’s concentration of rainwater and to compare them with the real stage. According to field investigation these areas were found. Formation of erosive gaps is happening on agricultural parcels, which confirms bad infiltration conditions and degradation of the countryland mostly influenced by technique of farming. Proposed solutions trap flood waters and avoid erosions.

After the end of the competition, involved municipalities will receive competing proposals and they can use them for solving the problems with water as they wish.
More information about the competition FOR THE WATER can be found at the program manager Martina B. Paulíková on, and on the website

Photos from the ceremony

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