The Ekopolis foundation has started the 15th jubilee volume of the inquiry The tree of the year
Trees have their irreplaceable value in human life and they deserve our attention, care and protection. And that’s why the goal of the inquiry Tree of the year, the 15th volume set by the Ekopolis foundation, is to bring attention to old, precious and endangered trees and to raise interest in environment among people. The main partner of the inquiry is the Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa. The inquiry was next supported by ISA Slovakia (Medzinárodná arboristická spoločnosť), the bookshop Artforum and by the garden-husbandry ABIES. The patron of this inquiry is for the fifth time in a row the singer Peter Lipa.
„We enjoy that the inquiry Tree of the year deepens relationship between people, nature and protection of the environment. At the same time it leads to responsability to protect the nature, to tahe care of precious trees which we have in Slovakia and to preserve them. The topic of sustainability and development of the natural wealth is very close to our foundation,“ sais Danica Lacová, the manager of the Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa.
Individuals, towns and municipalities, schools, cooperations or organisations can sign up a tree that is close to their heart, until April 30th 2017. „We enter to the 15th jubilee volume of ther inquiry Tree of the year and as usual it is an opportunity to look back into the past. During the whole history of the inquiry there were more than thousand of old unique trees that were nominated. Thousand of trees is thousand of inidividual stories and at least thousand of attentive people who realize the value of trees for our cultural and natural heritage. We would like to give them – trees and people – a place be visible,“ adds Milan Hronec, the progam manager of the Ekopolis foundation.
In May. the committee will choose 12 finalists among applied trees. Photos and stories of trees – finalists will be published on the website of the Ekopolis foundation. The public voting for the winner of the inquiry will be as usually started at the festival Pohoda and it will last till the end of September 2017. Voting will be possible by voting paper, sms, on the website and also on the social media Facebook –
Results of the competition will be published in October. The tree with the biggest amount of the votes will receive the title Tree of the year 2017 and he will move into the european finale . the inquiry The European tree of the year. At the same time, the winning tree will receive reward in a form of a dendrological opinion from ISA Slovakia and financial contribution for a treatment wirth of 300 euros. Trees, which will take the 2nd and the 3rd place in the inquiry will also receive the financial contribution worth 300 euros, which can be used for their treatment or makeover of the surrounding. Three nominated an three persons who voted will be rewarded by book cheque from the bookshop Artforum. First three schools witch the biggest amount of collected voting papers, will receive material for forest planting worth 500 euros by garden-husbandry ABIES.
All needed information about the inquiry Tree of the yeae 2017 are published on the website