Hikers Rejoice – New Rest Areas and Restored Trails. The Living Trails Program Supported 6 Locations This Year

The Living Trails program, organized by the Ekopolis Foundation in Slovakia for 14 years, focuses on the varied restoration of popular hiking spots. Along with trail marking restoration, the program also creates new rest areas, bridges, and anti-erosion features. Thanks to a collaboration with the Horalky brand, six locations will receive support again this year, totaling 10,000 euros.

The program aims to restore or improve hiking and cycling infrastructure. This year, it focused on enhancing physical features according to the needs of selected locations, such as building or repairing bridges, ladders, shelters, and springs. In this way, the program contributes to protecting and showcasing Slovakia’s nature and landscape.

“We are glad to once again support active people in improving hiking infrastructure in their local areas, as well as the dedicated volunteers who maintain hiking and cycling trail markings. Slovakia’s network of hiking and cycling routes is highly valuable, and by supporting its maintenance, we contribute to the sustainable development of Slovak regions,” says Ján Roháč, program manager from the Ekopolis Foundation.

The 6 Supported Projects:

  1. OZ Kilometre v pohybe will restore a gazebo near the Kamila cottage in Horná Lehota under the Low Tatras, equipping it with an e-bike charger and a repair stand. In collaboration with the Slovak Tourist Club, they will restore markings on an 18-kilometer tourist route from Horná Lehota to Dereše on the main Low Tatras ridge.
  2. OZ Príroda bez hraníc from Námestovo will create a rest area in the Podúšust area on the Oravská Magura ridge. Working with the Slovak Tourist Club, they will restore markings on a 6-kilometer tourist route from Úšust to Talapkov Beskyd.
  3. OZ Potulky chotármi will build a new rest area on a cycling route above Tlmače and, together with the Slovak Cycling Club, will restore 2 kilometers of cycling trail markings in Rybník, Štiavnické vrchy.
  4. OZ Spoznávajme Tatry will install innovative barriers on the Belianske Tatras ridge between Kopské sedlo and Biele plesá to guide movement within marked trails, restore 3 kilometers of markings on this route, and create a rest area on the ridge.
  5. OZ Cykloklub Dolný Kubín will restore markings on 90 kilometers of cycling routes in Orava and renew two rest areas along cycling routes in Beňová Lehota and Kubínska Hoľa.
  6. Urbárske spoločenstvo Žiar will restore markings and anti-erosion elements on 15 kilometers of trails in the Žiarska Valley, clearing overgrown mountain pine and repairing damaged bridges over the Žiarsky stream. They will also restore some elements of the Symbolic Cemetery for mountain victims in the Žiarska Valley.

“For the brand of Slovakia’s favorite wafers – Horalky – hiking and cycling are natural activities. That’s why we have supported the Living Trails project with Ekopolis Foundation for many years to keep these beautiful natural sites vibrant and enjoyable for visitors. Great recognition goes to the volunteers who work on these projects free of charge. Thanks to their efforts, restored trail markings contribute to safe nature exploration, while physical infrastructure enhances the experience, allowing hikers to recharge, maybe even with Horalky in their backpacks,” says Marián Gombík, Head of Marketing at I.D.C. Holding a.s.

The Living Trails program originated in 2008, initially supporting only projects in national parks. Since 2012, the program has expanded across Slovakia through and thanks to a long-term partnership with the Horalky brand. From 2008 to 2021, the program has restored a total of 1,036 kilometers of hiking and cycling trails, with tens of thousands of painted markers and hundreds of signposts.

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