The Best Project of Green Oases is the Liptov Tree Avenues. The Grant Program Also Announces Its Call for 2023

In the 16th annual Green Oases grant program, the title of Top Project goes to the Tatry Civic Association, along with an award in memoriam for its chairman, Rudo Pada. Thanks to a financial donation of 1,000 euros, the trees planted in Liptov can look forward to additional care or new plantings. The program also opens a new call inviting volunteers to bring responsible and sustainable ideas that help nature in their communities. 

Top Project 2022 

In spring, a row of 130 new trees was planted between the Dolinky ski resort and the Veterná Poruba – Žiarska Dolina cycling route. Lindens, hornbeams, birches, and beeches were planted in an open landscape where trees were previously lacking. Over time, these trees will become a significant landscape feature with numerous benefits for nature. This planting was awarded the Top Project of Green Oases for 2022, as well as an in memoriam recognition following the sudden passing of Rudo Pada, the organizer of the planting and a well-known nature conservationist in Liptov. “Every supported project is unique, carefully enhancing nature-rich areas across Slovakia with heart and dedication, but this year we unanimously agreed on who should receive the title of best project,” explains Ľubica Štúberová, Program Manager from the Ekopolis Foundation.

The Liptov Tree Avenues is one of 25 supported projects that received financial aid from the Green Oases grant program in 2022. Among the supported ideas are the creation of a community garden for cyclists on the Tyršovo Waterfront in Bratislava and tree planting to support the floodplain forest habitat along the Malý Dunaj river. With support from Green Oases, the homeless in Levice were also able to build a community garden; in Haluzice, one of the old orchards was restored; in Jelšava, a school apiary was created; and tree avenues were planted in Liptovská Teplička, Kladzany, and Ižkovce in eastern Slovakia. “Thanks to all 1,588 dedicated volunteers involved in these 25 projects, we managed to plant 1,668 trees, enhance 10,000 square meters of land, and plant 12,000 meters of tree-lined avenues. Thanks to the support of 59,000 euros from the Green Oases grant program and additional funds contributed by project organizers, the total impact reached 123,400 euros,” stated Štúberová.

Theme of the 17th Green Oases – With Ideas, Together, and Responsibly 

The 17th annual Green Oases grant program, with the theme “With Ideas, Together, and Responsibly,” continues to support environmentally beneficial activities, encouraging people to engage in volunteer work and to maintain the results of their efforts in the years to come.

“In the new round of the Green Oases grant program, we want to support responsible and sustainable ideas that bring people together to create a vibrant environment that we live in today, but will also serve future generations. Join the 17th year of the Green Oases program. Together, we can achieve a lot!” encourages Anton Molnár, Communications Director of SLOVNAFT, a.s.

The call for project submissions is open from November 24, 2022, to January 16, 2023. Selected projects will be implemented as early as spring 2023.

More information about the new call can be found on the Green Oases program page.

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